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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Weekend Recap!

Here goes! My first weekend recap. I will be the first to say that my weekend was nothing special, but it was very much me......a typical weekend for Z and I :)

Saturday Z played golf with my best friends Dad, who was also our officiant at our weeding just 2 months ago. You read that right, my husband payed money to play golf in this 110 degree weather. Weirdo. While he was sweating his balls off, I did a little thrift shopping and found these beauties :) 2 turquoise colored glass bottle that I paid less than $6 for! 

Then.....after thrifting, I made my way over to The Rack to pick up my very first pair of gladiator sandals for $20!
After shopping I ran to the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner. I knew that Z would be wiped out and starvin' Marvin' after golfing all afternoon. We just stayed in, drank some wine and chilled.

Sunday was our productive day which consisted of cleaning, hitting up the gym, more grocery shopping and then making tuna noodle casserole. I know, it sounds disgusting but I assure you IT IS DELICIOUS!

Enough with my "boring" weekend....what about yours!?!?!?!